

Museums & Galleries|Tõrva vald, Kirikuküla, Valga County 68611

Helme Parish Museum is located in the village of Kirikuküla in the former rectory of Helme church...

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Winter Fun|Tõrva vald, Karjatnurme küla, Valga County 68511

The tour guides will share exciting stories of nature and introduce other destinations in the...

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Churches|Valga vald, Lüllemäe küla, Valga County 68116

Karula Church has been working in the converted manor granary since 1997. The most special feature...

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Winter Fun|Valga vald, Lüllemäe küla, Valga County 68116

The Lüllemäe snowboard and ski hill is located in a naturally beautiful place, marked by the...

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Castles & Manors|Tõrva vald, Taagepera küla, Valga County 68502

Taagepera Castle is a special place – it is a mixture of elegant and rustic milieus, history, and...

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